Water Proofing Services

The MATPRO Waterproofing System is a specialized, patented waterproofing system designed to address saturated soil conditions caused by weather. Call today to have a trained Matpro professional analyze your situation and propose options for you to consider.

The term Waterproofing refers to the process of changing the characteristics of the below-ground sections of an existing structure. The characteristics that are changed relate to how water behaves in the presence of a basement. The goal is to make sure that water does not become a problem inside the basement. There are many “methods” but few of them can be considered “solutions” that are totally effective in every situation. You will know if you need to investigate waterproofing by looking for these symptoms:

Water seeming to come into the basement from the crack where the floor meets the wall (the most common point of leakage) or through a crack in the floor slab.
Water leaking through the wall at some point, such as a crack or hole.
Dampness on the block itself, the same way a sponge would act Pattern of discoloration on the wall, either random or uniform.
Fuzzy, white, crystalline deposit on the wall.
Musty Odors.

Some contractors attempt to “keep the water out” of basements by massive exterior excavation of the soil against the basement walls. This is disruptive to landscaping, decks, patios—anything that in the way must go. This is the most expensive method typically, costing $14,000-$20,000 or more, plus the cost of restoration. Regrettably, if a warranty is offered with this method, it is very limited, usually lasting only a few years at most. It employs the same method that was likely used when the house was first built—which failed, creating the problem. A more permanent solution involves placing the drain tile in the right position, so that it intercepts more of the water that causes basement leakage. That position is on the INTERIOR side of the footing, BESIDE the footing, BELOW the floor slab. Drain tile placed here intercepts the water that is coming below the footing, which is the source of the majority of water that causes basement leakage problems. In addition, it will intercept water coming over the footing, and with the proper wall membrane applied to the interior side, it will address wall leakage, bleeding and sweating. In addition, IF a critical procedure involving drilling weep holes in the cores of hollow core block is performed, it will address water that tends to accumulate inside concrete block walls. The final critical consideration about a waterproofing system is CAPACITY. Huge volumes of rain can fall at any given time. While no waterproofing system can prevent water from entering your basement or crawlspace from flooding conditions, the capacity of the drain tile must be such that it can handle a substantial volume of ground water, or else it will fail.